Highly qualified professionals

Maten Secomoc

A global service offer for storage tanks


Health & Safety : fundamental principles

Based on our clients’ expectations for the highest safety standards on their sites, our safety policies expect a full involvement from all:

Year after year, all our employees take part in the creation, training, implementation and internal assessment of all our safety policies in order to achieve the highest risk prevention and employees’ wellbeing.


Client focus to deliver excellence

Our client focus drives us to constantly question and assess our practices

It stems from our ambition to be the best equipped to answer their varied needs.

This continuous effort encourages us to:

– Develop our range of services, capabilities and areas of expertise
– To set up facilities close to the main French oil refineries hubs in order to optimise reaction times.


a group recognised for its expertise

Since 1981, the branches of our group have grown thanks to the thoroughness of their approach, their drive for excellence and technical abilities.

We have become a benchmark in metalworks on storage tanks because we have successfully acquired undeniable expertise and knowhow that our clients can benefit from.


MATEN SECOMOC Group offers metalwork services targeted at major clients in the energy, chemical, siderurgy, defence and agro industries.

The core expertise around which the MATEN SECOMOC Group was built is the construction of large steel storage tanks. Our clients can benefit from a global offer including engineering studies, construction, maintenance and repairs as well as other associated services; all performed by our own production teams. Our different branches have developed specialised skills that can be applied not only to storage tanks but also to freight boats or nuclear domes, amongst many other projects.

Each branch offers a different specialisation: engineering studies by ECCR, industrial metalwork by SECOMOC and SECOMOC TCM, industrial piping by EGIRSAI, dimensional controls by MATEN Metrology, non-destructive controls by PROCI.

All these branches are able to combine their respective strengths to complete a global project or operate independently for their own specific clientele.

This ability to federate its branches around global projects is the cornerstone of MATEN SECOMOC Group’s successes with its clients, particularly with international projects.



Chiffre d’affaire du groupe :

Chiffre d’affaire HT

Dont export

Les salariés de Maten-Secomoc :

Nombre de salariés du groupe en France

Part salariale Ingénieurs et Cadres


Les chiffres sécurité de Maten-Secomoc :





Le Groupe Maten Secomoc

a challenging industrial environment

In order to adapt to a particularly sensitive industrial environment, MATEN SECOMOC has made Health & Safety its main priorities. Then, immediately follow respect for the environment, quality of services offered and client satisfaction.



This is the reason why we have been following a HSE management system for many years. It was one of the very first developed following MASE policies.



In terms of quality control, SECOMOC TCM and BATENCO OUEST are ISO 9001 certified.



Our branches MATEN Métrologie Saint Martin de Crau and Notre Dame de Gravenchon have a COFRAC certification covering all legal metrology and gauging activities.
Accreditation N°: 3-1518 List of sites available on www.cofrac.fr


SECOMOC, SECOMOC TCM and EGIRSAI qualify for the Qualianor certification « radio protection » in order to be able to operate on nuclear facilities.

operational priorities

  • Protection of the wellbeing of all our employees (whether permanent or temporary) subcontractors and client’s teams.
  • Respect for our natural environment and protection of assets.

We are deeply convinced that our construction projects and the obligation to operate safely while respecting our environment are not mutually exclusive; but on the contrary, complementary.


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respecting our clients

Embracing these objectives means we respect our clients’ wishes for contractors that are reliable specialists when it comes to quality or respecting regulations.

The services and products we provide must achieve the highest quality standards in order to guarantee clients’ satisfaction, fulfil all their expectations, and enable them to enjoy the peace of mind and trust that come with working alongside a reliable contractor.
All our processes and operational practices follow this strategic orientation.