Safety: MATEN SECOMOC GROUP considers its employees the most valuable asset it needs to perform. We aim to nurture trust and mutual respect by offering a safe work environment to our teams as well as our clients’ and subcontractors’.
Expertise : Since our early beginnings, the success of our company was built on rigorous technical abilities. We pride ourselves to be able to acquire and deliver the latest technical expertise to complete all our clients’ construction and maintenance projects. This has proven over time to be a key competence towards our commercial success.
Client Focus : We have constantly adapted our services to our clients’ expectations and standards. Proximity, whether geographically or through efficient communication, has always been a key component of our partnerships.
The core business on which our group was built ; where we acquired and developped our technical know-how, safety culture and environmental policies.
Energetic needs of various industries make the storage of fuel on production sites unavoidable, whether they are cement plants, mines, siderurgy plants…
We work on nuclear power plants to build and install steel casings, reactor domes, waterproof sheetings… We can also operate on INBS (secret defensive nuclear facilities).
Latest development aim of our group. We have built 6 storage units >40000m3 for the sugar industry within the last 2 years.
The army is a long term client of our company for large storage projects or in support of ground operations.
Compared to storage tanks metalworks on freight boats are similar. We operate on the Seine and Rhône rivers
Builders of storage tanks and provider of industrial services